Narcissistic Abuse
You may be unsure if you’re suffering from, or whether you are in a narcissistic relationship.
It doesn’t matter, if you’re feeling bad enough because of someone else, then I can help.
Not all counsellors and therapists understand narcissism, it’s one of those things, that unless you’ve really experienced it, you can’t really know how much it can impact people’s well-being. When people say you can’t make others feel such a way (a common counsellor belief), you can, you can be abused and bullied so much that people feel suicidal as a way of escape. If someone hits you over the head with a hammer, it hurts.
It’s best you get someone experienced in narcissism – and also that the person who you get support from has not only the insight, but the tools to get you through and heal.
Narcissism exists in us all I believe we all have these kinds of parts of us, but some more than others, some really are another level with it and are abusive with it.
Highly narcissistic people are the controlling type, the really controlling type! You feel you have no option, no choices. It’s like a crazy game of chess, where you are forced to move (or not) by your opponent – they back you into corners. They 'love bomb', they lie, they cheat, they bully, they act (very badly once you see it), they track you, spy on you and so on. They are usually have a position of power over you. They may have reputable jobs in the helping industries, or other roles that come with a lot of power over people.
If you are in any kind of relationship with someone like this, it is likely someone that you have a lot of contact with a spouse, family member, or colleague (usually a manager). Others may not see it because they are different around others, they put on the show, while you cringe and feel sick.
It is so distressing and isolating to be in a relationship of any kind, with someone who is very narcissistic.
Using a range of Coaching skills plus NLP, Counselling, EMDR, EMI, Brainspotting and other forms of therapy to best help you. I support people to survive narcissistic relationships, keep one step ahead, get your confidence back and recover.
If you are currently in a partnership with someone who is violent, then I am not the person to help you right now.
If you are in immediate danger - this is more likely to be you if you are female and in a relationship with a spouse/partner (the risk increases again if you are about to leave while in contact). Then I am not the person for you right now.
Follow this link: or call the police.
It doesn’t matter, if you’re feeling bad enough because of someone else, then I can help.
Not all counsellors and therapists understand narcissism, it’s one of those things, that unless you’ve really experienced it, you can’t really know how much it can impact people’s well-being. When people say you can’t make others feel such a way (a common counsellor belief), you can, you can be abused and bullied so much that people feel suicidal as a way of escape. If someone hits you over the head with a hammer, it hurts.
It’s best you get someone experienced in narcissism – and also that the person who you get support from has not only the insight, but the tools to get you through and heal.
Narcissism exists in us all I believe we all have these kinds of parts of us, but some more than others, some really are another level with it and are abusive with it.
Highly narcissistic people are the controlling type, the really controlling type! You feel you have no option, no choices. It’s like a crazy game of chess, where you are forced to move (or not) by your opponent – they back you into corners. They 'love bomb', they lie, they cheat, they bully, they act (very badly once you see it), they track you, spy on you and so on. They are usually have a position of power over you. They may have reputable jobs in the helping industries, or other roles that come with a lot of power over people.
If you are in any kind of relationship with someone like this, it is likely someone that you have a lot of contact with a spouse, family member, or colleague (usually a manager). Others may not see it because they are different around others, they put on the show, while you cringe and feel sick.
It is so distressing and isolating to be in a relationship of any kind, with someone who is very narcissistic.
Using a range of Coaching skills plus NLP, Counselling, EMDR, EMI, Brainspotting and other forms of therapy to best help you. I support people to survive narcissistic relationships, keep one step ahead, get your confidence back and recover.
If you are currently in a partnership with someone who is violent, then I am not the person to help you right now.
If you are in immediate danger - this is more likely to be you if you are female and in a relationship with a spouse/partner (the risk increases again if you are about to leave while in contact). Then I am not the person for you right now.
Follow this link: or call the police.